Blog - Inside PTminder

4 Tips for a Great Personal Trainer Website that Sells

Written by Roy | May 12, 2022 4:49:57 AM

Why your Website Needs a Workout too!

How often have you emphasized to your clients the importance of keeping on top of their fitness routine? And how easily all their hard work could go to seed if they let things slide?

It may sound weird, but the same philosophy applies to your website. To really make the most of this crucial marketing tool, you've got to perform regular fitness evaluations and give it a workout now and then. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that once the website is up and running, that's all you need to do—website fitness, like any other kind, is an evergreen task that you've got to keep your eye on.

You operate in a competitive industry. In order to keep up with the competition—and get out ahead of them—your website needs to keep up with the times, functionally and aesthetically. Here's why.


1: Make the Most of New Tech and Innovate

Internet technology is one of the most rapidly developing fields around. There are always new ways to make your website faster, easy to navigate, and more secure. Remember that your website is probably one of the first ways a potential client will contact your business, so you want the experience to be as positive as possible. Check out this article about the latest trends in web app development in 2022 and determine what you can apply to your website to enhance the user experience. And we've got some tips of our own - here are Five Ways to Optimize Your Personal Training Website to Generate More Leads.


2: Keep Your Brand Fresh and Website Updated

If you make even the tiniest change to anything about your brand—a color update, a new slogan, a business card makeover—your website needs to be updated to reflect that. Your website is the face of your brand, so it needs to always be in sync.


3: Your Clients are Mobile—Your Website Should Be Too

We're talking about their smartphones! Pretty much everyone uses their phone for browsing, so if your website isn't mobile-friendly, potential clients are almost guaranteed to move on to one that is. Any changes you make to your website need to be optimized for mobile phones, so it's something you need to keep front of mind at all times. The reality is that unless your website is mobile-friendly—ALL of your website—you run a very real risk of losing business. More about optimizing your website for mobile here.


4: Give Your Clients Something New

Remember that your website isn't just about attracting new clients, it's also about helping you retain the ones you have. They're going to appreciate you sharing your expertise with them, whether it's a blog offering targeted nutrition tips, showcasing the success of another client, letting them know about a new class, promoting new equipment or just updates to class schedules. Make sure you're keeping the website fresh and giving all your clients something new.

So, there you have it—a few basic reasons to make sure your website is kept fit and flexible. The next question you might be asking is, "OK, so how do I get started?" To help you with this, we've developed the Website Workout - 10 proven tips to making your website as fit as possible. You'll learn how to:

  • Leverage SEO to drive more traffic to your website
  • CTAs that will give your visitors exercise
  • Make your website easy to navigate
  • Make the most of multimedia
  • Showcase your success stories
  • Get your website and social media working together
  • Keep your content constantly working out
  • Create a brand story
  • Exercise the Google advantage
  • Make technology work for you

Remember: Your website is the central hub of your business, not a brochure for it. It's the center of your marketing mix and as such, needs to be kept as fit as possible. These tips will help you develop an on-going fitness plan for your website, one that will get you results.