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Why Building a Strong Brand is Crucial for Your PT Business

Written by Roy | Nov 1, 2022 9:08:15 PM

Four Ways to Increase Your Personal Training Brand's Exposure

Think about a brand you really like, one you buy often. Fitness equipment, sneakers, yoga mats, popcorn, smartphones... anything that brings you back as a repeat customer. The brand itself is one that's embedded in your consciousness; when you see their logo, hear their theme music or spot them on a shelf, you know instantly who they are and why you like them—and why you keep buying from them.

Why Branding Is Important for Your PT Business

Great branding is essential for promoting your PT business. Don't make the mistake of assuming that branding is only for larger companies or corporates. In fact, every business, large or small, sets about branding its goods and services from the moment they decide on the design of their business card. It's how you gain recognition for your PT services in the fitness industry and establish how you're viewed. Over time, successful branding will add value to your business, help it grow, and become an important asset.

1: Establishing a Recognizable Brand Story

If you haven't paid much attention to branding in the past, this is where you begin. Think about the niche value of your PT business; what is it that you specialize in? Why are you in the fitness business? What do your clients relate to?

The answers to those questions are what you use to create your brand story. Clearly state your values, and establish the 'voice' of your PT business, so that your niche will easily relate to you. Create a mission statement that goes on the 'About' section of your website so that everyone who lands on your site gains a clear understanding of who you are and what you do, right from the start.

2: Add Value to Your Brand by Becoming a Thought Leader

The idea is to position yourself as an expert in the fitness industry so you can boost brand awareness. The Institute of Personal Trainers ranks the top 20 PTs in the world. What do they have in common? They offer their knowledge through books, blogs, podcasts, conferences and videos. They're considered the ‘go-to’ authority on their areas of expertise. They’re informed opinion leaders and trusted sources, and they're worth checking out for inspiration on your own thought leadership ideas.

Showcasing your expertise and positioning it ahead of your competitors is an essential strategy for your brand. The best thought leaders are constantly building their business’ brand through events, stories and advertising.

3: Build and Contribute to Your Community

The more visible you are, the more recognizable your brand becomes. A great way to boost brand awareness is to contribute to your community in solid ways, such as by sponsoring events, making donations, or getting involved in charity work. You can set up fundraisers for local charities, and use your influence as a fitness expert to promote healthy living within community groups.

The more involved you are with your community, and the more you contribute, the more recognizable your brand becomes. When you establish and build strong community relationships, you're generating priceless word-of-mouth advertising. When you're active in your community, you're creating opportunities to showcase your brand and highlight your expertise.

4: Use Marketing Tools to Get the Word Out

In this digital age, there are many easy-to-use marketing tools you can harness to boost awareness of your brand. Social media is a must; building a social media channel for your PT business is essential for getting your brand recognized within the fitness industry.

If you're using a business management solution like PTminder, you can use branded apps to increase your brand exposure. Your own custom branded app will have your logo and color themes, and they work on iOS and Android.

An automated email solution such as MailChimp allows you to easily send marketing emails, automated messages, and targeted email campaigns. These will all have your brand on them, which boosts visibility and keeps your brand front-of-mind with your audience.

Branding is crucial because not only does it help you become more recognizable within the fitness industry, but it distinguishes you from the competition. A strong brand will prevent your competitors from trying to imitate you in any way. The competition is fierce, and for you to stand out, you need to have a strong brand behind you.

If you're after more tips on promoting your business, check out this eGuide and access tons of free PT management and marketing tips from our team of experts.